Unlock The Business & Life You Desire

Hi, I'm Dr. Reana!

I'm a Master Certified Neurocoach helping entrepreneurs identify & reprogram subconscious limiting beliefs that is causing self-sabotaging behaviors blocking them from the success & happiness they deserve

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If you are anything like my clients, you have a hard time balancing drive for success with your own well-being & happiness...

At this level of success, your drive & motivation has helped you unlock your current level of success...but now you are finding that the same approach isn't getting you to the next level of impact & income that you want

AND on top of that you might be finding yourself constantly overwhelmed with negative emotions, self-doubt, & fears that you might not be able to sustain the success you have because you're EXHAUSTED keeping up with the uncertainty & demands that comes with entrepreneurship

When you are flooded with negative emotions on a daily basis, this inhibits your ability to focus, think clearly, and make aligned decisions that are necessary to create the business & life you want

You might find yourself sabotaging your success & happiness by doing one or more of these:

🫠Looking at your long to-do list creates so much anxiety & overwhelm to the point you can't concentrate causing tasks to take longer OR you get stuck in procrastination, both of which leads to not getting things done

🫠You know you need to hire help because you are so stressed doing everything in your business - social media, sales calls, client fulfillment, email management - but you have not hired because you’re so worried you aren’t ready because you don’t have the consistent income yet

🫠You stop yourself from asking for opportunities before you even try because you tell yourself a story about “why they wouldn’t say yes”

🫠With needier and difficult clients, you find yourself over delivering by doing more than promised because you want to make sure they see the value in their investment

You are tired of continuing to do these self-sabotaging behaviors, but no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to break out of the cycle...

I am here to show you that this can change

You are NOT alone!

I get you. I was you...but I'm here to tell you there is a better way

You just need to learn how to access a higher mental state by reprograming the mental blocks that are getting in your way

I want that!

Imagine If You Could Experience...

Being able to confidently charge ANY price you want (yes even that 10K price) for your services with zero doubt, zero hesitation because you KNOW you're worth every penny

Leave work at work so that you can be fully present to spend time with your family GUILT FREE, not constantly worrying about all the things you should be doing because you KNOW that your business will continue to be successful even if you're not working 24/7

Confidently make decisions in your business with ease, no longer stuck in analysis paralysis and procrastination, because you have the clear headspace to trust that your decisions will take you one step closer to hitting the consistent 6 figures in your business

Exuding a powerful confidence that commands attention of the people you're meant to serve because you're not worried about the perceptions of others

ENJOYING the success you created, no longer constantly worrying about when the other shoe is going to drop or if you'll be able to sustain your success because you know that you deserve every bit of success

Remain anxiety free, no longer getting stuck spiraling out of control and getting stuck in procrastination for days or weeks when things don't go as planned in your business

You CAN Experience This

But the only way to unlock this is through accessing a higher mental state by reprogramming your subconscious mind & eliminating the limiting beliefs sabotaging your success

Hi, I'm Dr. Reana Mulcahy

Just like you, I was the Frustrated Entrepreneur

I had reached a level of success in my first business, Sprinkled with Aloha 🍪, where I had replaced my PT income 

But the minute I set my sights on the next level above 60K, it was like I was hitting an invisible wall where no matter how hard I worked, I just COULD NOT breakthrough to the income I wanted to be at

And I chased strategy after strategy, looking for the missing piece to the puzzle of what would get me there 

Only to find myself in 65K of debt, burnt out, and ready to throw in the towel and go back to a 9-5 job

That's when the realization dawned on me

I had changed what I did for a living but I did not change the way I did things...All I did was create another J-O-B

That sent me on a journey to figuring out how some entrepreneurs were hitting breakthrough after breakthrough EFFORTLESSLY, while I was stuck on the struggle bus - not seeing results 

And that took me down the path of learning all about the power of our subconscious minds which showed me that the reason I wasn't hitting the results I wanted, is because of the way I was wired 

Once I used the brain based tools I now teach in my framework, I not only saw results I wanted...but I hit them EFFORTLESSLY 

The same can be true for you if you learn to wire your brain for success 

How Subconscious Reprograming

Has Helped Our Clients

"I learned how to take care of myself FIRST which translated into having more energy and ultimately my business success. I hit my first $12K month and now am getting ready to expand!"

- Devan S.

Move Rx Omaha

"I have finally been able to go full time into my business AND take regular spontaneous weekend getaway trips with my husband and dogs!"

- Jessica G.

Pups With A Purpose

"I've hit my best month of revenue in my business all while being able to close my laptop at the end of the day to be fully present and enjoy watching the horses with my kids"

- Whitley C.

Rise Animal Rehab

"I've officially crossed the 10K mark WITH EASE! My conversions on sales calls has gone from 10-20% to 70% all thanks to the shifts we've made in my mindset"

- Tyler E.

MoveSpace PT

"I am able to show up confidently which has led to networking opportunities seeming to now come in effortlessly! AND the best part is it's led to more discovery calls!"

- Jeanette B.

Body In Tune LLC

"I'm no longer getting stuck in anxiety & overwhelm and am making moves towards my goals. The universe seems to be responding as I seem to be manifesting people reaching out wanting to work with me!"

- Kristen M.

Lioness Strength

How To Work With Me