Break The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle & Finally Have The Thriving Business Of Your Dreams

Hi! I'm Dr. Reana a Master Certified Neurocoach helping service based entrepreneurs identify & eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck in burnout and from having the impact, income, and freedom they want in their business

Take Your Next Step

If you are a service based entrepreneur who is experiencing one or more of these:

🪫You're struggling trying to juggle everything in your business & by everything I mean you're doing your sales calls, client fulfillment, social media marketing, email management, content creation...And because of that you end every day with nothing left in the tank to the point that you feel disconnected from your spouse and your kids

🪫You've neglected getting back into an exercise routine for at least 3 months because you don't have the time or energy and now you're frustrated with yourself because you've gained more weight than you'd like to admit

🪫You feel like you have a short fuse where things that never used to bother you now do and you aren't sure why

🪫Even when you have downtime, you can't seem to relax and enjoy time off because mentally you're still thinking about the business & all the things you still need to get done

You are NOT alone!

I get you. I was you...but I'm here to tell you there is a better way

You can have it all. Time Freedom, Financial Freedom, and Peace of Mind

I want that!

Hi, I'm Dr. Reana Mulcahy

After burning out in my corporate 9-5 as a Physical Therapist, I thought entrepreneurship was the solution to my burnout...until I burnt out AGAIN while creating a cookie empire that replaced my PT income.

That's when I realized that while I had changed WHAT I did, I didn't change HOW I did it

I now teach service based entrepreneurs, like yourself, to learn HOW to change the way you approach success so that you can create massive impact while still having your time, energy, and health for the people and things you're doing it all for

How clients are now THRIVING

in business & life

"I learned how to take care of myself FIRST which translated into having more energy and ultimately my business success. I hit my first $12K month and now am getting ready to expand!"

- Devan S.

Move Rx Omaha

"I have finally been able to go full time into my business AND take regular spontaneous weekend getaway trips with my husband and dogs!"

- Jessica G.

Pups With A Purpose

"I've hit my best month of revenue in my business all while being able to close my laptop at the end of the day to be fully present and enjoy watching the horses with my kids"

- Whitley C.

Rise Animal Rehab

Other Ways To Get Started

Because let's be honest...

How much is waiting to get your burnout under control costing you in your business? In your health? In your relationships?


Grab The 3-Step Framework To Break Free From Indecision

After working with service based entrepreneurs for 3 years I've learned that burnout isn't just not having enough time, it's the mental energy that overthinking every decision wastes. Learn our 3-step framework to combat wasting time & energy overthinking!


Listen To The Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle Podcast

Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode bringing you brain based tools & guest experts to help you identify & eliminate subconscious habits keeping you stuck in burnout


Join The Community!

Burnout can feel lonely & isolating... but it doesn't have to be that way! Join a community of other service-based entrepreneurs, like yourself, to find support, learn, & grow together!

Join Our FREE Community!

I created a FREE community where service based entrepreneurs, like yourself, can come to find support, learn, and grow together. I know how lonely burnout in entrepreneurship can feel, but it does NOT have to be that way!

PLUS, I go LIVE every week in the group so that you can learn the same step-by-step tools that have helped my clients overcome burnout while also doubling, sometimes tripling, their revenue